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Shelly's the perfect ranger: reliable, tough, and terrific with her shotgun. She never understood why Colt got to steal the limelight...

Last updated: 2024-08-15

Page change log:

Information in this page may be outdated if the game changed after the last page update.

Basic Stats

A very solid Common troop that's reliable by healing herself, and give your squad a strong advantage with the Super Attack.

IPBrawl Stars
WorldDesert World (W2)
RangeRanged (4,000)
Health1,850 HP
Hit Time0.850 s
Hit Speed1.18 hits/s
Damage120 HP
DPS141 HP/s

Fusion Stats


Shelly's fusion doesn't change her mechanics, only the basic multipliers are applied.


⭐🌑🌑🌑 Baby

Bust 5 foes to fire Super Shell

Super Attack: Super Shell

After busting 5 enemies, her next shot is stronger.

It deals 195 damage in normal form, and 390 damage as a Fusion. This is 58% more damage than a normal shot.

The Super Attack also has a push-back effect on enemies, very effective to give your squad an advantage in head to head combat. This push-back has a strength of 150, equivalent to the jump of a Kaiju.

⭐⭐🌑🌑 Classic

Heals a large amount of health after Super Shell

Super Attack: Super Shell

Shelly heals 40% of her HP after her Super Attack. In her normal form, this is 520 HP.

⭐⭐⭐🌑 Super

Shoots a second barrel with her normal attack

Shelly doesn't deal 2x damage with the Super Evolution, because the barrels she shoots are smaller.

Double barrels deal 160 damage in total (2x80). This is 33% more damage than the normal barrels, which deal 120 damage (1x120).

Hit Speed doesn't change, so the DPS also increases 33%: from 141 to 188. This puts her basic attack on par with the basic attacks of other ranged troops like Max, Colt and Bea.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ultra

Shoots bigger Super Shells

Super Attack: Super Shell

Super Shells double in damage, from 200 to 400. The amount of projectiles also increases, from 15 to 25.

Compared to the basic attack of this same evolution, the Super Shell deals around 3 times more damage (+233%).

Fusion Super Shell deals 775 damage.

Chart Comparison

WARNING: The following chart is outdated!

This chart is only kept for illustrative purposes, but it's based on outdated data. The way the ability behaves hasn't changed, so the visualisation may still be helpful.

Shelly Evolutions

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