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Chest Rarities In Battle

Last updated: 2024-07-28

Page change log:

  • Created: 2024-07-28

Information in this page may be outdated if the game changed after the last page update.


Chests that you open during battles to grow your squad can have 3 rarities: Common, Rare and Epic.

This sometimes depends on the game mode, but usually:

  • First 2 minutes of a battle: Common
  • Third minute: Rare
  • Last minute: Epic

All these chests have 3 slots for troops to appear, and the rarity of the chest will influence the rarity of each slot.

Common Chests:

Slot 185%13%3%
Slot 285%13%3%
Slot 385%13%3%

Rare Chests:

Rare chests guarantee a Rare troop in the third slot.

Slot 138%55%8%
Slot 238%55%8%
Slot 30%100%0%

Epic Chests:

Epic chests guarantee an Epic troop in the third slot.

Slot 123%40%37%
Slot 223%40%37%
Slot 30%0%100%