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Archers charge and fire Arrow Volleys together! More Archers means more volleys!

Last updated: 2024-09-07

Page change log:

  • Created: 2024-09-07

Information in this page may be outdated if the game changed after the last page update.

Basic Stats

Archer is a ranged troop with single-target damage. She has very low HP, like Bo and Colt, so having many in your squad might be dangerous even if the ability makes it appealing.

IPClash Royale
WorldLava World (W6)
RangeRanged (4,500)
Health1,200 HP
Hit Time0.6 s
Hit Speed1.11 hits/s
Damage77 HP
DPS128 HP/s

Fusion Stats

Fusion Archer stats apply the usual multipliers to the Normal Archer. The Super Attack does have some additional changes, but not the basic one.



⭐🌑🌑🌑 Baby

Shoots an Arrow Volley after 12 Archer attacks

Super Attack: Arrow Volley

Arrow Volley is the Super Attack of this troop. You need 12 attacks to activate it, but what stands out compared to other attack counters is that other Archers in your squad also add to this counter. So for example, if you have 2 Archers, the counters for both of them will fill up twice as fast.

The stats of this Super Attack are:

Range5 tiles
Radius1.5 tiles
Hit Time1.00 s
Hit Speed1.00 hits/s
Damage133 HP
DPS133 HP/s

This attack deals more damage than the basic one, but is much slower, so it has almost the same DPS. The main advantage is that it deals area damage.

As a Fusion, these attacks deal double damage, as usual for Fusions, and the Arrow Volley has a bigger AOE radius (1.9 tiles).

The drawback for Fusion Archers is that their shot counter for the Super Attack behaves as Normal Archers, meaning that if you turn 2+1 Normal Archers into 1 Fusion Archer, the Super Attack will actually load slower.

⭐⭐🌑🌑 Classic

Fusion Archers shoot an extra Arrow Volley

Super Attack: Arrow Volley

This evolution only affects the Super Attack of the Fusion. Basic attacks don't change, and the Super Attack of Normal Archer doesn't change either.

Range5 tiles5 tiles
Radius1.5 tiles1.5 tiles
Hit Time1.00 s1.00 s
Hit Speed1.00 hits/s1.00 hits/s
Damage266 HP362 HP
DPS266 HP/s362 HP/s

Although the Arrow Volley is shot twice, it is significantly weaker each time. This means that in total, the damage boost is +36% for the Super Attack.

⭐⭐⭐🌑 Super

Attacks much faster

The Hit Speed of Archer increases significantly.

RangeRanged (4,500)Ranged (4,500)
Hit Time0.60 s0.45 s
Hit Speed1.66 hits/s2.22 hits/s
Damage77 HP76 HP
DPS128 HP/s169 HP/s
Fusion attack stat changes
RangeRanged (4,500)Ranged (4,500)
Hit Time0.60 s0.45 s
Hit Speed1.66 hits/s2.22 hits/s
Damage154 HP152 HP
DPS257 HP/s338 HP/s

Super Archer deals 32% more DPS than Baby Archer due to the increased Hit Speed.

It's barely noticeable, but each of her hits deal slightly less damage (1 HP).

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ultra

Shoots bigger and stronger Arrow Volleys

Super Attack: Arrow Volley

The Super Attack deals more damage and reaches a wider area.

Range (tiles)555
Radius (tiles)
Damage (HP)133133162
Fusion Radius (tiles)
Fusion Damage (HP)266362400

For Normal Archer, the damage increases by 22%; for Fusion Archer, only by 10%.

The increases in radius are significant, specially if you keep in mind that area doesn't scale linearly; a 20% radius increase gives you 44% more area.

More troops soon!

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