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Using Squad Busters content from RoyaleAPI

Last updated: 2024-06-02

Page change log:

  • Updated: 2024-06-02
  • Created: 2024-05-15

If you are a content creator and want to share some of RoyaleAPI's content with your audience, that's awesome! But please, do it respectfully.

In this page we explain briefly some of the most common do's and don'ts that you should keep in mind when using our content. This is not legal advice, simply a few guidelines to explain how we want our content to be used, and to point you towards fair use. If you can't follow them, please, DO NOT use our content in any manner.


This information only applies to Squad Busters content. Content guidelines for Clash Royale are available here.

After using content from RoyaleAPI, ensure that you link to it in the description of your video. It must be clear for your audience that this link is available. You should mention RoyaleAPI explicitly and/or show the source link in the video.

For example:

RoyaleAPI was a source for this video:

2. Don't crop or modify our assets

We design our assets to be used as published, no modifications of any kind are allowed.

Especially, do not crop the footer, credit and title of the image. By removing this information you are hiding the source label, making it easier for this content to be misappropriated.

Green World Buster Valley

3. Don't post our assets on social media

If the asset is a promotional image, usually distinguished by having a title and author credit, it cannot be posted on social media. To share our content on social media like Twitter/X, you can quote and repost our published content.

In contrast, we don't usually post long tables and written text. Extracts of these may be shared as long as the link to the source is clearly paired with it.

Stats and data

Many of the stats and data that we share aren't easily available, and we are only able to publish them after a significant amount of research. If you decide to use them, please mention our work as the source for this information.

Final note

Generally, we'd like our content to be used as a source to enrich commentary and discussions. If you are simply forwarding our content to your audience, you might want to rethink your approach.

Explain it in more detail, cover the nuances, discuss the significance of the information... in summary, create content with our help.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us in any of the following ways: