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Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime

This hero from Cybertron comes with boosted size and immense Health. Unlock his abilities to protect your Squad while charging into danger!

Last updated: 2024-09-15

Page change log:

  • Created: 2024-09-15

Information in this page may be outdated if the game changed after the last page update.

Basic Stats

Optimus Prime is now the normal troop with highest Hit Points (HP) in Squad Busters. For reference, he has 63% more HP than El Primo.

On top of that, he has decent DPS and can even heal your squad!

NameOptimus Prime
RangeMelee (1,550)
Health6,200 HP
Hit Time1.15 s
Hit Speed0.87 hits/s
Damage154 HP
DPS134 HP/s

Fusion Stats

It's important to note that Special Character Fusions don't have the same multipliers as normal troops. Their Damage boost is still 2x, but the HP only increases by x2.5 instead of x3.

Besides this, Fusion Optimus Prime has the highest HP of any troop you can have in your squad: 15,500 HP. That's even more than a Tree Giant!



⭐🌑🌑 Baby

Giant defender as big as a Fusion

Optimus Prime has no ability in his Baby Evolution.

⭐⭐🌑 Classic

Attacks with his Energon Axe after taking damage

After taking any kind of damage, Optimus Prime starts attacking with a golden axe instead of his normal attack.

If 3 seconds pass without receiving damage, the axe will be hidden back. This means that he can keep attacking with his axe as long as he keeps receiving damage.

This special axe attack has mich higher Damage Per Second (DPS):

Hit Time1.150.80
Hit Speed0.871.25

The Hit Speed increases by 44%, and overall DPS by 110%; that's more than double! For reference, this is more DPS than an Elite Barbarian.

The tricky part of this special attack might be to keep the axe activated; unless you are the target of area damage, you'll have to ensure that Optimus Prime is receiving damage.

Note: both the basic and special attacks of this Classic Evolution have an increased melee range: from 1.55 tiles as Baby to 1.8 tiles.

⭐⭐⭐ Super

Heals the Squad when taking damage

This looks like a very powerful ability! Whenever Optimus Prime receives damage, he heals 100 HP for all the members of your squad.

This healing increases based on the amount of Optimus Primes in your squad, but it doesn't stack linearly.

Optimus PrimesHealing
3 (1 Fusion)200
6 (2 Fusions)265
9 (3 Fusions)300

Note that this is simply the amount of HP that each Optimus Prime heals, so if several receive damage, you heal several times.

Example scenarios:

  • You have 1 Optimus Prime, and it receives damage: you squad heals 100 HP
  • You have 2 Optimus Primes, and 1 receives damage: you squad heals 140 HP
  • You have 2 Optimus Primes, and 2 receive damage: you squad heals 280 HP (2x140)
  • You have 3 Fusion Optimus Primes, and 1 receives damage: you squad heals 300 HP
  • You have 3 Fusion Optimus Primes, and 3 receive damage: you squad heals 900 HP (3x300)

This ability gives you significant protection against area damage, as your squad will basically be immune to small sources of damage.

There is a small but important detail to keep in mind: each Optimus Prime prime can only trigger his heal once every 0.5 seconds.

This limitation might seem small, but it's what will keep squads from becoming invincible against other big squads. You can also notice it in more modest combat, against troops with very high Hit Speed, like for example Heavy. At peak speed, Heavy shoots 8 projectiles per second; so at most, Optimus Prime will heal after 2 of them hit.

More troops soon!

Pages like this one will be added for more troops in the future. Do you want to see specific ones first? Tell @Alpe123_CR on Twitter or vote for the next troops here: