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RoyaleAPI Stats

The team at RoyaleAPI has covered games published by Supercell for years. We are also part of Supercell's Official Creator program at the highest tier, known as Supercreators.

By combining these two assets, we have the experience and access needed to dive deep into the stats of the game. This allows us to provide unique and original insights that you won't find anywhere else.

Our work is mainly dependent on game files, the developer build, chats with Supercell staff and a lot of research time.

FAQ 1: How did you find these stats?

The basics you just read above about our process is mostly all we can share. We develop our own tools and processes, and we don't share them publicly. We are always happy to engage in discussions about content and stats, but please don't ask us to guide you to replicate our results.

FAQ 2: Why does the game show different stats?

We often get questions from users who notice that our stats don't always match the ones displayed in-game. Why is there a mismatch?

There are two possible causes for this:

  • Our stats are outdated
  • There is a real mismatch

You can easily find out if a page is outdated by looking at the edit log, shown at the top of each article. If an update or maintenance has happened since the last edit, the content may be outdated.

Most often, the stat mismatch is real. Which is correct?

If you want a quick and simple answer, you can trust our stats. In-game stats will usually be simplified due to many constraints (space, localisation, templates...); our more lengthy pages allow us to cover many more details.

If you want a deeper understanding of what causes these differences, keep reading for a fairly nerdy breakdown.

Constants vs Experience

The key to understanding these issues is separating the game into 3 parts:

  1. Game Constants
  2. Game Engine
  3. Player Experience

Game Constants are defined values that are fed into the Game Engine. The Game Engine processes these stats and creates the Player Experience that you later see in your screen as a player.

This transformation is complex and creates an output that cannot be predicted simply by looking at the constants.

For example, the Game Constants define the DPS of troops and their Hit Time, but each troop hit does a specific amount of damage that isn't mentioned explicitly; this damage is derived from the other two, and has to be an integer. Rounding damage into integers is part of what the engine does, and that rounding will create a new DPS that differs from the one stated in the constants, the Real DPS.

The DPS displayed in the Squad tab (in-game) is simply the DPS listed in the constants. All our pages list the Real DPS instead.

Our readers aren't engines, they are humans. For that reason, we always give values that match what you see on the screen whenever you play.

Engine Granularity

Based on the stats that we research, the main value roundings happen for:

  • Hit Points (HP): affecting both Health and Damage, HP values are always integers.
  • Time: the time precision for events is 50 miliseconds (1/20 second).

There are probably other rounding systems for Tiles and other stats, but for now we haven't been concerned about them.

This granularity has significant effects in some situations, enough to have real interest for high level gameplay optimisation. For example, a 40% Hit Speed boost changes the Hit Time of an attack, which later has to be rounded to 50 ms to fit the Time granularity. Depending on the troop, this same 40% boost creates a DPS boost that ranges from +44% to +64% depending on the troop it's affecting.

Engine Mysteries

Sometimes it isn't just rounding differences, the engine processes constants in a particular way that isn't meant to be understood by players, but it is there. A good example of this is how Hit Time is always increased slightly in 1 tick (50 ms). Attacks that would take 1 second according to the constants, instead take 1.05 seconds. This change doesn't affect all troops equally, faster Hit Speed means that these extra ticks are added more often.

Behaviours of this kind are hard to discover and understand if you don't work at Supercell. With time and research, we discover patterns that eventually allow us to predict how the engine behaves. This process involves guesses and assumptions, and it introduces some uncertainty in our results. We always try our best to be accurate, but we know we aren't perfect.

If you ever notice errors or weird results in our posts, feel free to reach out to us and we can dig deeper; you might help everyone understand Squad Busters better!

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