Squad Busters Troops
Last updated: 2024-04-23
Page change log:
- Updated: 2024-04-23
- Created: 2024-04-21
Information in this page may be outdated if the game changed after the last page update.
This is a list of all the characters available for your squad, sorted by DPS in descending order.
DPS is important, but just a factor in the strength of a unit. This doesn't include very relevant details like range, area damage, abilities...
Each of the following troop cards display basic stats in the following way:
- [HP] Hit Points: health of a troop.
- [DPS] Damage Per Second: average damage dealt by a troop in a single second.
- [HT] Hit Time: average time needed for each attack.
- [DPH] Damage Per Hit: damage dealt with each attack.
1. Mega Chicken
2. Mega El Primo
3. Penny
4. Witch
5. Colt
6. Bea
7. Max
8. Chicken
9. Mortis
10. Pam
11. Goblin
12. Archer Queen
13. Hog Rider
14. Shelly
15. Barbarian King
16. Barbarian
17. Bo
18. Heavy
19. Medic
20. Tank Girl
21. Mavis
22. Wizard
23. Battle Healer
24. Royale King
25. El Primo
26. Greg
27. Trader
28. Nita
29. Dynamike
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