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UPDATE: Lava World and More!

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Provisional Values

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The Squad Busters developer team is back from the Summer vacation, and ready to push the game to new heights!

This update will be released next Wednesday, August 14th. Aside from new content (Lava World), you'll see some changes to address some of the main concerns of the community:

  • Battle Bag and Battle Items
  • Mega Troops

Today (Sunday, August 11th) is the first Sneak Peek day out of 3, so come back tomorrow to find new sections in this same blog. In these Sneak Peeks, we'll dig deeper into the announcements that were mentioned in the official Squad Busters update video.

Sneak Peek Schedule

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Mega Troops removed

Megas were one of the two kinds of battle consumables, but weren't successful at the role they were designed to fill. Overall, most players didn't them very satisfying as a comeback mechanic, and some players even labelled them as unfair for certain game modes.

Instead of adjusting these powerful troops, the development team has decided to discard the concept while reusing most of the content and ideas involved.

Megas replaced with Fusions

The first thing to be aware of is that the comeback mechanic will remain in the game. Lucky Finds will instead give full Fusions instead of Mega troops. These Fusions will not be consumables, so you don't need to unlock them anywhere to receive them from Lucky Finds.

Megas converted to Skins

The content side of the Mega troops will shift into troop skins. Any Mega troop you have unlocked in the past will give you a free troop skin when the update is released.

For example, if you have unlocked the Dragon Chicken, you'll receive a Dragon skin for your Chicken. You can then select this skin for your Chicken in the Squad tab.

If you have spent all the Megas in your inventory for a certain Mega troop, don't worry, you'll still unlock the skin.

Megas To Skins

Megas converted to Coins

On top of receiving skins, all the unused Megas you still have in your inventory will be converted into Gold Coins, at 1,000 coins for each one.

For example, if you have 100x Dragon Chicken, you'll receive a Dragon skin and 100,000 Coins.

The exchange rate for these Mega troops is lower than the one you can still find in the shop (5,000 coins per Mega), but probably chosen as a compromise between fair compensation for all players and not breaking the Coin economy.

Battle Items removed

Battle Items were not a popular feature and many players often complained about this concept, due to the pay-to-win mechanic it introduced in battles. Although the concept of chest rerolls isn't fully going away, the Battle Bag and inventory of Battle Items is being removed.

Battle Items to Coins

All the Battle Items you currently have in your inventory will be converted into Coins. The exchange rate for each item is:

Reroll Token300
Normal Key500
Epic Key800
Fusion Key1,500

For example, if you have 10x of each Battle Item you'll receive 31K Coins in total.

These conversion values match the current rates to buy them with Coins.

Conversion Screen

After the update is released, the next time you log into the game you'll see a screen similar to this one:

Item Conversion

It includes all the Battle Items and Megas that are converted into Coins and Skins.

New Rerolls

Chest Rerolls are one of the most important Battle Items for experienced players, and strongly influence the way in which you build your squad by giving players more control over chest picks.

After the update, you'll be able to refresh chests up to 3 times per battle. This feature will be available for all players, for free, in all battles! This transforms a premium tool into a core part of gameplay for the whole playerbase.

Just like with the old Reroll Tokens, you can only use one reroll per chest.

Free Rerolls

Chest Multiplers

If you liked Chest Doublers, wait until you see the 4x Multipliers!

Chest Multipliers are getting a significant improvement. You will no longer be constrained by time and push to play at an inconvenient time; now you can save these multipliers and use them whenever it suits you.

There are 3 types of multiplier: 2x, 3x and 4x. All of them are spent after using them once, but you can choose when to use them by activating them. Unused Chest Multipliers are stored in a queue which can store many, but doesn't allow you to sort them.

Chest Multipliers

This enable/disable control will give players who keep track of their chest cycle an interesting way to guide their progression. For example, if you are interested in getting as many Epic troops as possible, you can enable these multipliers only when you know an Epic Chest is next. More details on the current chest cycle here.

Gameplay Changes

These minor changes mainly aim to improve the fluidity and dynamism of battles. After the update you'll see:

More Boots in Blue Boxes

Blue Boxes will contain 1 additional Turbo Boot.

Faster Turbo Recharge

Recharge is becoming faster in 2 ways.

  • The time needed to recharge a full Turbo Boot is being reduced from 2.7 to 2.5 seconds (7% faster).
  • The recharge delay has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.3 seconds.

The recharge delay is basically a penalty to prevent players from boosting their squad intermittently. Interrupting your boost recharge will still not be a good strategy, but it won't be as bad as before.

Bust for Boot

Whenever a troop (from a chest) is busted, the owner of the troop will get 1 Turbo Boot.

Bigger Gem Mines

Gem Mines are supposed to create the core action during battles, but the amount of Gems it gave didn't make it too appealing for the risk it involved. The amount of Gems dropped will increase significantly.

It's challenging to summarise this change due to how many different stages Gem Mines have, but on average, Gem drop values seem to have increased by around 30%.

Minor Damage Loot

Many of the targets that drop loot whenever they receive damage caused unintended loot drops from very small damage sources.

For example, this change that was introduced in the 2024-06-17 update:

[Buff] Freeze spell now has more effective slowdown, even when Turboing. The result is that affected targets are almost immobilised. Additionally, the Freeze now does 30 damage during the 3-second duration (10 DPS).

This spell now deals 1 point of damage 30 times, which is key to how it now slows down targets so much, but it also triggers the loot drops mentioned earlier.

The chosen solution is to limit loot drops to a minimum of 10 points of damage, so Freeze and Super Freeze will both be affected.

Balance Changes

Balance Changes

Troop Balance Changes

General HP Buffs

All troops have received significant HP buffs to make them less vulnerable against Fusions and monsters. On average, this HP buff was around +30%, and ranges from +23% to +44%.

You can find full list of changes by expanding this section:

Troop HP Buffs (sorted by name)
Archer Queen1,3001,600+23%
Barbarian King3,2004,100+28%
Battle Healer1,8002,400+33%
Dr. T2,1002,800+33%
El Primo2,8003,800+36%
Elite Barbarian1,6002,050+28%
Hog Rider1,5001,950+30%
Ice Wizard1,0001,300+30%
Mega Crab7,5007,500+0%
Nita's Bear1,6002,400+50%
Royale King2,2003,000+36%
Tank Girl1,4001,800+29%
Tank Girl (with Tank)3,5004,000+14%
Troop HP Buffs (sorted by change %)
Nita's Bear1,6002,400+50%
Royale King2,2003,000+36%
El Primo2,8003,800+36%
Battle Healer1,8002,400+33%
Dr. T2,1002,800+33%
Hog Rider1,5001,950+30%
Ice Wizard1,0001,300+30%
Tank Girl1,4001,800+29%
Barbarian King3,2004,100+28%
Elite Barbarian1,6002,050+28%
Archer Queen1,3001,600+23%
Tank Girl (with Tank)3,5004,000+14%
Mega Crab7,5007,500+0%

Fusion Multipliers

Fusions are getting very significant stat changes with this update, and part of it is to compensate the HP buffs of the normal troops.

  • The HP multiplier will be reduced from 3.5x to 3.0x.

  • The Damage multipliers (which depended on troop rarity) were higher for Rares (x2.05) and Epics (x2.10), compared to Commons (x2.00). After the update, all Fusions will have a x2.00 multiplier regardless of their rarity.

Overall, these changes mean that all Fusions get a 14% HP nerf, and a damage nerf for Epics (5%) and Rares (2%).

Fusion HP Multiplier Changes
Archer Queenx3.50x3.00
Barbarian Kingx3.50x3.00
Battle Healerx3.50x3.00
Dr. Tx3.50x3.00
El Primox3.50x3.00
Hog Riderx3.50x3.00
Ice Wizardx3.50x3.00
Royale Kingx3.50x3.00
Tank Girlx3.50x3.00
Fusion Damage Multiplier Changes
Archer Queenx2.10x2.00
Barbarian Kingx2.10x2.00
Battle Healerx2.10x2.00
Dr. Tx2.10x2.00
El Primox2.00x2.00
Hog Riderx2.05x2.00
Ice Wizardx2.05x2.00
Royale Kingx2.10x2.00
Tank Girlx2.10x2.00

[Buff] Chicken

Hatchlings used to have a 40 second lifetime. After this update, Hatchlings won't lose HP over time anymore.

[Buff] Bea

Bees deal 33% more damage, increasing from 75 to 100 damage per hit.

[Nerf] Hog Rider

The speed boost that Ultra Hog Rider gives to your squad stacks up based on the amount of Hog Riders in your squad, up to 9 (3 fusions). This ability isn't changing.

What are changing are the Classic and Ultra abilities, which increase Boost duration and Boost recharge speed respectively. For both, the base boost (1 Hog Rider) is being reduced by around 10%, and the reduction increases for higher stack counts (up to ~30%).

[Rework] Nita

The default position for Nita used to be front and will change to back. This should make her less fragile on offense, but could be easier to bust while being chased.

Additionally, her bear (Bruce) will respawn faster.

EvolutionOld TimeNew Time
Classic40 s30 s
Ultra20 s15 s

[Rework] Ice Wizard

The Super Attack (Ice Fan) deals 20% less damage to the first target, but better damage penetration for targets behind it.

Fusion Ice Wizard also had an bug that reduced its damage, and has been fixed.

Monster Balance Changes


Yeti Blobs will now give 80% Coins and 20% Gems; they used to give 100% Coins.


Range reduced 25%, from 8 to 6 tiles.

Spell Balance Changes

[Nerf] Rage

Duration reduced from 10 to 6 seconds (-40%).

[Nerf] Super Rage

Duration reduced from 15 to 8 seconds (-47%).

[Nerf] Freeze and Super Freeze

No longer give extra loot. See the Minor Damage Loot section for more details.

[Nerf] Bomb

Unlike with Greg's trees, the Carrots that Mavis can pick gave the same loot when destroyed with bombs. In reality, due to Mavis' ability it was always better to pick up the carrots than blasting them, as that didn't give bonus rewards.

This is going to change, and blasting carrots will give less loot.

Mod Adjustments

Super Gem Mine

Drops more gems and more often.

Piñata Party

This was the only game mode without Blue Boxes, and now will have them as well.

Game Mode Weights

Some game modes have a huge influence in the way and rate at which chests are opened, and they will now appear 30% less often.

These modes are: Angry Vines, Doppelgangers, Epic Overload, Double Trouble and 1-Coin Chests.

Removed Mods

Mega Start and Baby Battle have both been removed from the game.

QoL Changes and Fixes

Quality of Life changes are small adjustments that improve the overall experience with the game. Some are very minor, others more relevant, but all are great!

Relative Battle Leaderboard

Keeping track of the top of players in your room is important, but when you are fighting for a Top 5 result, it's not the most useful information.

The leaderboard shown on the left side of the screen during battles will now show the players who are immediately ahead and behind you.

Battle Leaderboard

It will still only display 3 players; usually you, the one ahead and the one behind. If you are first, you'll see the top 3 players. If you are last, you'll see the bottom 3 players. Eliminated players are never shown in this new leaderboard.

Spectator Chests

If you ever tried watching replays or live battles from other players, you probably noticed that you couldn't see what happened during chest picks. This essential information will now be shown in replays and while spectating.

Maxed Conversion

When obtaining a maxed troop from a chest, the babies used to be converted into account XP. After the update, the conversion will be into Portal Energy instead. This will help maxed and semi-maxed players complete new worlds and advance in Squad League progression.

Spell Misclicks

Sometimes, while tapping on the Boost button while collecting a spell, the spell would be thrown instead of the Boost due to how the animations were layered. This is fixed with the update.

Better Training Mode

In the Squad tab, you can test all your troops much more easily than during battles. This mode will spawn more monsters and also have Blue Boxes.

Lava World Sneak Peek Event

Lava World

Similar to the Ice World Sneak Peek Event, you'll have a chance to unlock the new troops from Lava World early.

This event starts on August 14th, as soon as the update is released, and you'll have 1 week to collect Pancakes and unlock special rewards. On August 21st, the event will conclude and Lava World will be added to the World Journey.

Pancakes are analogous to the Ice Spirits in the Ice World event, but you'll be able to easily pick them up instead of having to chase them around the map.

You can also buy up to 20 batches of 20 Pancakes for 10,000 Coins each. Even more Pancakes will be available as IAPs, at $4 USD for 200 Pancakes.

The Lava World event will have a total of 25 chests that you can unlock in exchange of Pancakes. The first one is easy, at just 5 Pancakes; but the price increases linearly until reaching 125 Pancakes in the 25th chest. The total Pancakes you'll need to open all the chests is 1,625.

Event Chest Details
6Lava (Archer)301056.5%
14Lava (Miner)7052532.3%
25Lava (Leon)1251,625100.0%

This time, troop unlocks will be clearly labelled for specific chests in the event, so it will be easier to adjust your goals if you just want to unlock a few troops instead of grinding through the whole event.

ChestTroopTotal Pancakes

These are chests that guarantee a specific Lava World character, but you can still get lucky and unlock them before reaching these chests. In fact, there are 2 undefined Lava chests before the one that guarantees the Archer unlock.

Lava World Troops

Lava World will introduce 3 new troops, one of each rarity: Archer (Common), Miner (Rare) and Leon (Epic).

This section includes some basic stats of each troop, and hopefully we'll have time to publish a deeper dive soon.



Archers charge and fire Arrow Volleys together! More Archers means more volleys!

Archer is a ranged troop with single-target damage. She has very low HP, like Bo and Colt, so having many in your squad might be dangerous even if the ability makes it appealing.

Her DPS as a Baby isn't great, and the main DPS buff isn't unlocked until the Super evolution.

Archer Basic Stats
IPClash Royale
WorldLava World (W6)
RangeRanged (4,500)
Health1,200 HP
Hit Time0.60 s
Hit Speed1.66 hits/s
Damage77 HP
DPS128 HP/s
Archer Evolutions


Shoots an Arrow Volley after 12 Archer attacks

Arrow Volley is the Super Attack of this troop. You need 12 attacks to activate it, but what stands out compared to other attack counters is that other Archers in your squad also add to this counter. So for example, if you have 2 Archers, the counters for both of them will fill up twice as fast.

Range5 tiles
Radius1.5 tiles
Hit Time1.00 s
Hit Speed1.00 hits/s
Damage133 HP
DPS133 HP/s

This attack deals more damage than the basic one, but is much slower, so it has almost the same DPS. The main advantage is that it deals area damage.

As a Fusion, these attacks deal double damage, and the Arrow Volley has a bigger AOE radius (1.9 tiles).


Fusion Archers shoot an extra Arrow Volley

Range5 tiles5 tiles
Radius1.5 tiles1.5 tiles
Hit Time1.00 s1.00 s
Hit Speed1.00 hits/s1.00 hits/s
Damage266 HP362 HP
DPS266 HP/s362 HP/s

Although the Arrow Volley is shot twice, it is significantly weaker each time. This means that the damage boost is +36% for the Super Attack.


Attacks much faster

RangeRanged (4,500)Ranged (4,500)
Hit Time0.60 s0.45 s
Hit Speed1.66 hits/s2.22 hits/s
Damage77 HP76 HP
DPS128 HP/s169 HP/s

Super Archer deals 32% more DPS than Baby Archer due to the increased Hit Speed.

It's barely noticeable, but each of her hits deal slightly less damage (1 HP).


Shoots bigger and stronger Arrow Volleys

Range (tiles)555
Hit Time (s)
Hit Speed (hits/s)
Radius (tiles)
Damage (HP)133133162
DPS (HP/s)133133162
Fusion Radius (tiles)
Fusion Damage (HP)266362400
Fusion DPS (HP/s)266362400

For Normal Archer, the damage increases by 22%; for Fusion Archer, by 10%.

The increases in radius are significant, specially if you keep in mind that area doesn't scale linearly; a 20% radius increase gives you 44% more area.



Uses Turbo to Burrow underground and avoid damage. Pops up with an area attack or an evolved Eruption attack that stuns!

A fairly tanky front troop, with the same HP as a Battle Healer. With the Super Evolution, he can heal himself, becoming a more reliable tank.

Miner Basic Stats
IPClash Royale
WorldLava World (W6)
RangeMelee (2,000)
Health2,400 HP
Hit Time0.85 s
Hit Speed1.18 hits/s
Damage104 HP
DPS122 HP/s
Miner Evolutions


Burrows, then attacks after using enough Turbo

After moving with Turbo for 0.45 seconds, Miner leaves the surface and starts digging. After you stop using the Turbo, he returns to the surface and deals an area attack. The stopping the Turbo that triggers this can be due to:

  • Stop using Turbo Boot
  • Turbo Boot runs out
  • Squad stops moving

The Unburrow attack deals 96 damage and has a radius of 1.1 tiles. Fusion Miner deals double damage (192) and has a slightly bigger radius (1.3).


Can Burrow longer to charge an Eruption attack

Once the Burrow starts, a Super Attack counter for 0.75 seconds is started. When complete (1.2 s total), Miner deals an Eruption attack instead of the usual Unburrow. This attack has slightly more damage and radius.

Eruption also knocks back enemies and stuns them.

Time Needed0.45 s1.20 s
Fusion Damage192240
Fusion Radius1.31.5


Heals steadily while Burrowing

Miner heals 250 HP/s while Burrowing, so around 10% of his total HP each second. Fusion Miner heals 625 HP/s, which is a bit slower relative to the total Fusion HP (7,200).


Eruption becomes bigger and more powerful

The damage dealt with Eruption increases by 50%, and the stun lasts 3 times longer.



Gives invisibility that lets you sneak around players and hide amongst Monsters.

This Speedster is a ranged troop with single target damage, but shoots several projectiles at once, similar to Archer Queen.

His health is similar to other ranged troops like Mavis, Penny and Nita.

Leon Basic Stats
IPBrawl Stars
WorldLava World (W6)
RangeRanged (4,000)
Health1,700 HP
Hit Time0.80 s
Hit Speed1.25 hits/s
Damage240 HP
DPS300 HP/s

With each attack, Leon throws 3 projectiles, with 80 HP damage each.

Leon Evolutions


Gives an Invisibility Spell

When fused, gives 3 additional Invisibility Spells.


Increases movement speed while Invisible

Increases speed by 25%.


Gives another Invisibility Spell after attacking 25 times

When fused, it gives 2 spells instead of 1.


Move even faster while Invisible

The speed boost increases from 25 to 40.

Invisibility Spell

Become Invisible and sneak around enemies when not fighting

Your squad becomes invisible to enemy players and monsters while active.

The duration of this spell is 20 seconds, and expires even if your squad isn't invisible due to engaging in combat.

Lava World Monsters

Lava World introduces a whole new roster of Monsters from other Supercell games.

Here is a brief list with their most relevant stats:

PekkaBoss8500180 - 190
Lava HoundBoss700080
Inferno DragonBoss5000100 - 1,200
Mega MinionMedium250070
Lassi PekkaMedium150070
Lava GuardMedium100040
Mini PekkaMedium1500180
Lava Hound PupSmall40025
Lava BomberSmall40030
Lava SkeletonSmall30020

Lava World Mods

Lava Mods

There are 3 new mods for the Lava World. These 3 modes will be in rotation as soon as the update drops with the Sneak Peek event.

Crystal Forest

The Map is overgrown with Magic Trees!

Everyone starts with a massive hero, Greg, in a race to chop hundreds of Magic Trees.

Hero Greg can only be obtained at the start of the match, so try to keep him alive if you want to chop these trees.

Hero Greg has 8,000 HP and 264 DPS.


Squads get busted if their Clock hits zero!

Timeout is an explosive mode where everyone starts with 200 Gems. But if you don't collect enough time to make it to the end, boom!

Hatchling Herder

Giant Hatchlings can be captured for Gems!

Capture and protect adorable giant Hatchlings that follow wherever you go. Watch your tail, because the more you get, the easier they become to steal.

Herd Hatchlings have 300 HP, like normal Hatchlings.

Lava World Progression

Lava Progression

On August 21st, the Sneak Peek event will conclude and Lava World will be added to the end of World Journey, at Level 120.

Lava World has 30 levels, and will be harder to complete than Ice World.

LevelsPortal EnergyTotal PEProgression Share
1 to 152,3402,3402%
15 to 356,0908,4304%
35 to 6018,54026,97013%
60 to 9028,59055,56021%
90 to 12033,64089,20024%
120 to 15049,370138,57036%

Lava World extends the current World Journey by 55%.

Progression Chart

At an average of 123 Portal Energy (PE) for each evolution, you'll need to evolve 10 Babies 401 times to reach Squad League.

Full list of rewards
120New World
121100Style Tickets
1221x4 Chest Multiplier
1241Emote Pack
1251Rare Chest (6T)
1283x2 Chest Multiplier
1301Epic Chest (6T)
1311Emote Pack
1331Rare Chest (6T)
1341Emote Pack
1361Rare Chest (6T)
13850Style Tickets
1401Epic Chest (6T)
1421Emote Pack
1432x3 Chest Multiplier
1461Common Chest (6T)
1471Epic Chest (6T)
1481Emote Pack
150New World
Aggregate rewards
3x2 Chest Multiplier
2x3 Chest Multiplier
0x4 Chest Multiplier
1Common Chest (6T)
3Rare Chest (6T)
3Epic Chest (6T)
4Emote Pack
150Style Tickets

Lava World Maps

Like other worlds, Lava World has 3 maps:

  • Lava Spa
  • Boiler Room
  • Pekka's Playground

Aside from the completely new style, you'll find unique tiles for this world such as:

  • Embers: slightly damages your squad and slows your troops down.
  • Hot Grill: similar to the spikes in Royale World, in intermittently turns on and will burn your squad if you step on it while on fire.

Our usual simplified maps aren't ready yet, and probably won't be for the next 2 weeks.

Style Tickets

Style Tickets are a new game currency that will be used to buy cosmetics like Emotes and Skins.

These tickets won't be available for purchase for now, but this might change in the future. Some ways to earn them are:

  • World Journey
  • Squad League Journey
  • Free Gem Pass (100 per season)
  • Premium Gem Pass (500 per season)
  • Piñata Bank (Random, up to 80 per day, 11.2 on average)
  • Piñata Party

For a limited time after the update, players can claim 600 Style Tickets in the shop for free.

Some cosmetic price examples:

  • 1 Emote for 100 Tickets
  • 1 Skin for 600 Tickets

Style Tickets

Action Emotes

Using Emotes while in the heat of the battle is challenging, so you can now select Emotes to be triggered automatically with specific actions. These actions are:

  • Bust a Squad
  • Bust a Boss
  • Get Busted
  • Get a Fusion
  • Finish in the 1st place
  • Finish in the Top 5

Finish-based actions will display the Emote in the battle result screen.


Not all Skins are equally exclusive, they come in 2 rarities: Rare and Super Rare.

  • Rare Skins can sometimes be bought for 600 Style Tickets, others for $3 USD.
  • Super Rare Skins are only available as $5 USD in-app purchases (IAP), and come with an exclusive Emote.

Remember that all Mega Troops have been turned into Skins, you'll find them all listed as Rare Skins.

Usually, Rare Skins released as IAP will be available for purchase with Style Tokens in the future, but no sooner than 30 days after the IAP release. As an exception, some specific Rare Skins will be available through other means that will be unveiled in the future, like Astro Penny and Maestro Royale King.

Rare Skins for Style Tickets
  • Tanuki Nita
  • Stag Bea-tle (Bea)
  • Kyudo Bo
  • Ninja Goblin
  • Origami Barbarian King
  • Pool Party Hog Rider
  • Black Belt Chicken
  • Tour Guide Mavis
  • Kimono Witch
  • Street Magic Wizard
  • Dragon Chicken
  • El Tigre (El Primo)
  • Magical Shelly
  • Kitsune Witch
  • Sunburn Barbarian
  • Resort Royale King
Rare Skins for $3 as IAP
  • Team Tuff Mavis
  • Team Tuff Medic
  • Masked Baron Mortis
  • Spooky Trader
  • Infernal Battle Healer
  • Street Trader
Super Rare Skins
  • Mushroom Mike (Dynamike)
  • Astro Shadow Max
  • Spooky Pup Rider (Hog Rider)
  • Fast Food Tank (Tank Girl)
Special Promotion Skins
  • Froggie Leon [Super Rare]
  • Astro Penny [Rare]
  • Maestro Royale King [Rare]
  • Retro Future Colt [Rare]

Gem Pass

The theme for next season is Burgers & Bullets.

One of the main changes coming to the Gem Pass is the final reward, the Mega Bank, because bonus Megas have been removed. They will be replaced by the Piñata Bank.

The Piñata Bank allows you to unlock 2 piñatas per day once you reach the end of the Gem Pass. To open each of them, you'll need to collect 3,000 Gems.

Piñata Bank rewards in detail

Piñata Banks rewards are composed of 4 parts:

Part 1:


Part 2:

3Common Babies50%
3Rare Babies30%
3Epic Babies20%

Part 3 & 4:

10Style Tickets20%
5Common Babies10%
5Rare Babies6%
5Epic Babies4%
1Chest Ticket4%
20Style Tickets4%
1x2 Chest Multiplier4%
10Common Babies1%
10Rare Babies0.6%
10Epic Babies0.4%

Worst Piñata Bank

Based on this, the worst piñata you can get will have:

  • 1,000 Coins
  • 3 Common Babies
  • 20 Hammers

Best Piñata Bank

On the opposite side, the best piñata would have:

  • 1,000 Coins
  • 23 Epic Babies
Piñata Bank over 30 days

Seeing the rewards of each Piñata Bank isn't that relevant and will give very random results. We can get a better sense of the size of these rewards by looking at the expected/average values of 30 days of Piñata Banks.

Rewards of 60 Piñata Banks:

162Common Babies
97.2Rare Babies
64.8Epic Babies
336Style Tickets
4.8Chest Ticket
4.8x2 Chest Multiplier

This might not be a significant boost for your progression, but keep in mind, with the old system these rewards would have been 150 Mega Troops, so this seems much more appealing.

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